About Me

Having dabbled in photography as a child I returned to it at the beginning of the digital age with a bridge camera. After the initial frustration of many empty sky shots, I persevered to finally got a photo of a beautiful eagle swooping down towards me. A photographic safari in Kenya, a wildebeest migration later and I was hooked.

Since then I have travelled extensively to the Artic, Alaska, Madagascar and South America. I have completely fallen in love with the feeling of getting close and experiencing the animal’s own environment. I never lose the wonder of spending time with some of the planet’s apex predators and also the delight of discovering some tiny beastie going about its business in the rainforest at night.

I started my sculpture journey in wood. Having spent a year in South and Central America I came home inspired by the natural forms and creatures I had seen. My first wood carving was based on 2 trees that had grown together in the forest.

It is the essence of my experience with nature that informs my sculptures. I have been exploring stone carving and run workshops teaching this.
More recently I have started working in metal and mixed media to express both the beauty and ugliness of what I see.

DEFORESTATION - sculpture in reclaimed wood and saw blades reflecting the orangutan's massive habitat loss.